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About Origins of Health

Origins Of Health is an Osteopathic medical center that specializes in recovery from chronic infections, including Lyme disease, Babesia, Borrelia miyamotoi, Bartonella and more. Many of our patients also have mycotoxin illness and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). Specializing in chronic infections, we also see many children with PANS/PANDAS, types of infection-induced autoimmune encephalitis. Our team of physicians, nurse practitioners and other health experts specialize in identifying and treating these conditions all while supporting you so you can regain your health and get back to fully enjoying your amazing life! We integrate the best of conventional and natural treatment approaches with our personal passions and extensive medical training while working with you to develop a personalized approach to health that stimulates the self-healing forces within. Our goal is to assist you in realizing optimum health while being free to enjoy life and all it has to offer.

This philosophy serves as the foundation of our medical practice. While it’s easy to point out what’s wrong, it’s often much more difficult to notice what is right.  The body has the inherent wisdom of life that guides it.  If we listen to and work with the body’s natural healing powers the results are often amazing.  This is what sets Origins Of Health apart from others; we focus on health and teaching you how to ignite the self-healing powers within so you can experience the true joy of living a healthy life.




Idun Green

I couldn’t believe how quickly I improved after my initial Lyme treatment [by Dr. Moorcroft]. He gave me a Glutathione injection, and I started packing up my kitchen for our move the next day and didn’t stop for 8 hours. I packed almost the entire kitchen in one day. I didn’t realize how sick I actually was. Now after about 5 weeks, I’m so much better, it’s amazing!

Idun Green

Check out how Dr. Jess helped Susan recover her health and get back to living her passions.

Check out how Meredith got her life and family back working with Dr. Tom
